Bathtub Safety
How much time does it take to drown in a bathtub?
Cross a room for a towel (30 seconds), a child in a bathtub can be submerged
Answer the phone (2 minutes), a child can lose consciousness
Upload a picture to social media (2 - 5 minutes), a child submerged in a tub or pool can sustain permanent brain damage
In the last two years, Children’s Health has treated 19 children who were submerged in a bathtub where 4 of those ended in a fatality.
Did you know it only takes an inch (1 inch) of water to cover a child’s mouth and nose?
Toddlers and infants are top heavy, and if they fall forward in the tub one inch of water is enough to drown.
More than 50 percent of infant drownings occurs in the bathtub.
Safety Tips
Prepare with everything you will need before bathing your child.
Always stay within arm’s reach.
Never leave a child unattended in or around the water.
Learn CPR.